A journey and a conversation about London's connections with Ireland during the 17th, 18th & 19th centuries.
Welcome - Fáilte Isteach​​​​​​
In a city with unlimited stories of connections with Ireland and her people, where should a journey of exploration begin? Anywhere.
Just as there is no single route through the past, there is more than one way to navigate this website. ​
Choose the path that works best for you.
You can find out more About this project, About me and how I've approached this blog. The research resources I've used are listed on the Explore Irish London history and Explore London history pages.
Thank you for joining this journey of exploration. It would be wonderful to hear your thoughts in the blog post Comments.
​​​Breda Corish
Image: 1822 British and Irish Ladies Society for Improving the Condition and Promoting the Industry and Welfare of the Female Peasantry in Ireland. (The London Archives, Ref: CLC/121/MS07466).
If you like to follow stories over Time:​
​use the Timeline page to see the blog posts in chronological order & an interactive slideshow of key events that shaped the 17th, 18th & 19th centuries.
use the Blog Categories to find posts for the 17th, 18th & 19th centuries.

​If you like to focus on the stories of a particular Place:​
use the Map page to see the blog posts grouped by Borough & a map of the featured locations.
open a full page view of the site's annotated Map, ideal for use on your smartphone while you're out & about. Location notes in the map are linked to blog posts here.
use the Blog Categories to find posts for the Boroughs of Westminster, Tower Hamlets & Hackney. (More Boroughs to follow in the future).