Mapping Ireland in London
​Click the icon in the top right corner of the map below or this link to open a full page view of the map. This is the best way to view the map on a smartphone.
Clicking the side panel in the top left corner of the map opens up a list of all the featured locations, grouped by 17th, 18th, and 19th century. You can toggle each century listing on/off in the side panel.​
Each century is colour-coded in the side-panel and on the map:
17th Century: burgundy
18th Century: green
19th Century: black ​
​​​​Scroll down the page for links to historical maps of London and to see the blog posts grouped by London Borough. Only Westminster, Tower Hamlets and Hackney so far but other Boroughs will follow. ​​
I'd love to hear any suggestions you have for expanding this map of London's historical connections with Ireland.
You can submit these via the Contact page.
Historical Maps of London
17th Century
A Large and Accurate Map of the City of London (1677) by John Ogilby.
- 18th Century
​An exact survey of the city's of London Westminster ye Borough of Southwark (1746) by John Rocque.
19th Century
London 1:5,280 Large Scale Town Plan - 42 sheets (1848-51) by the Ordnance Survey.
To find out more about London maps, go to the 'Explore London History' page.​​
Blog Posts by Borough
17th Century:
19th Century:​
[Work-in-progress post] The Land War & The Irish Distressed Ladies Fund: Audley Street, W1
​Tower Hamlets​​​​​​​​
18th Century:
[Work-in-progress post] Religion and riots in Irish Whitechapel, Virginia Street E1
19th Century:
[Work-in-progress post] Life in Irish Whitechapel: Rosemary Lane E1 through Henry Mayhew's pen
[Work-in-progress post] Death in Irish Whitechapel: Cholera in Blue Anchor Yard E1, 1848
18th Century:
[Work-in-progress post] "An impulsive Irish spirit" in Stoke Newington N16, Ireland and France: Mary Wollstonecraft ​
19th Century
[Work-in-progress post] Irish Home Rule in Hackney: 5 July 1886, London Fields E8